

Fabia Delise (Trieste, Italy, 1968) has been passionate about textiles since she was very young, making traditional embroidery and learning different techniques. After meeting the French artist Fanny Violet, she was introduced to free-hand machine embroidery (piqué libre) which allowed Fabia greater versatility in her artistic practice. 

It is in 2006 that she finds in patchwork the expressive language more appealing to her. However, she found that she preferred more contemporary explorations of traditional patchwork and developed a personal style combining the traditional forms of the hexagon with an innovative chromatic composition. The study and deepening knowledge of Art Quilt techniques through attending classes and workshops conducted by internationally renowned artists and teachers have helped her to develop her unique style. After much research between structural rigorous and overcoming the two-dimensional static forms, she has successfully achieved three-dimensional forms in her textiles that are both sculptural and dynamic. 

Since 2001, Fabia has lived in Genoa. She regularly exhibits in public, institutional, museum and private galleries and spaces both nationally and internationally. 

artist statement



I grew up in a land at the crossroads of different cultures that have nourished my artistic practice, giving it those characteristic traits that distinguish it. A heritage of traditions that I find again sewing, in the slowness of gestures that have become for me a form of meditation, of escape from the rush of our time.

In my works I transform this ancient technical richness into a contemporary expressive language to snatch it from oblivion and ferry it towards the future, overcoming the rigid compositional parameters of the hexagonal element without ever losing sight of the rigor and precision of execution. Over time I have experimented with different textile materials – from hand-dyed monochromatic fabrics to fabrics printed by me to the reuse of old garments or tailoring scraps that establish a link between personal memory and work of art.

The color with its evocative power is my primary source of inspiration, color combinations that excite me and that I capture in my photograph during my journeys. I assemble the hexagons by hand, avoiding the symmetry of the traditional pattern to focus on the movement up to the three-dimensional construction where, through the relief surface, I experience the effect of light that leaves a margin of unpredictability to the final result, a process not entirely controllable that implies an acceptance of its own limit and the need to abandon the work to its autonomous dynamism.


Udine (Italy), Galleria Arcipelago “Tutto inizia da un filo”
– solo

Turin (Italy), Paratissima Nice & Fair – “Repetita, Eterni Ritorni e Continui Rimandi” – collective

Athens, Ohio (USA), The Dairy Barn Art Center “Quilt National 2023, the Best in Contemporary Quilt” – solo

Turin (Italy), Paratissima Nice & Fair – “Savoir Faire l’Incredibile fascino dell’analogico”, a cura di Ksenia Yarosh e Federica Tomatis – collective

Alsace (France), Carrefour Europèen du Patchwork – Juried Exhibit SAQA EME Wide Horizons VIII – collective

Stillwater, OK (USA), OSU Museum of Art- Juried Exhibit SAQA
“Ebb & Flow” – collective

Birmingham (UK), Festival of Quilts, Juried Exhibit SAQA
“Ebb & Flow” – collective

Perugia (Italy), SCD Textile & Art Studio, “Rebels. Contemporary tapestries for rebellious walls”, by Barbara Pavan – collective

Virtual Juried Exhibit,
Plurality of Voices – collective


Karlsruhe (Germany), Nadelwelt Karlsruhe – Fiber4 Group
– collective

Prague (Czech Republic),
Prague Patchwork Meeting,
Gruppo Fiber4 – collective

Mirabeau (Francia),
Aiguilles en Luberon,
Gruppo Fiber4 – collective

Arenzano (Italy), Arenzano Bonsai, Serra monumentale Villa Negrotto Cambiaso – collective

Nord Groningen (Netherlands),
Quilt Festival – personal

Girona (Spain), Interquilt
– solo

Alsace (France), Carrefour EU du Patchwork, Quilt Italia
– collective

Milan, Spazio Roberta De Marchi – solo

Grambois (France),
Aiguilles en Luberon – solo

Monza (Italy), Urban Center,
“La musica della mia vita”
– collective

Lièpvre (France), Eglise de l’Assumption, 19eme Carrefour Europeen du Patchwork – solo

Briançon (France),
10eme Festival du Patchwork
– solo

Genoa (Italy), spazio Artelier Palazzo Ducale, Riciclo Quotidiana-Mente – collective

Genoa (Italy), Palazzo Ducale,
Re Mida Day – collective

Florence (Italy), Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence Design Week
– collective

Grambois (Francia), Aiguilles en Luberon – solo

Genoa (Italy), Villa Imperiale, “Tableaux Textiles” – personal

Genoa (Italy), Villa Imperiale, Festa della Primavera – collective

Genoa (Italy), spazio Artelier Palazzo Ducale, “Levia Gravia”
– collective



• Paratissima 2023 10th edition Nice & Fair Catalog – Repetita

• Quilt National 2023 Catalog

• Paratissima 2022 9th edition Nice & Fair Catalog – Savoir Faire

Patchwork Professional Quilt & Textilkunst
#04 2021

• SAQA Ebb & Flow global exhibition catalogue

• Festival of Quilts Birmingham 2020 catalogue

Quilt Italia Magazine — summer 2017

Quilt Italia Magazine — summer 2015

My Patchwork magazine #01 — summer 2014

Catalogue Prestige 2013 — 19eme Carrefour
Européen du Patchwork

Les Nouvelles Patchwork et creation Textile #116
spring 2013

• Burda Patchwork (France) #40 – winter 2013